NAT Office wins restricted competition for new mobility hub concept organized by ego. a new way to conceive and live time lapse and journey.
reggio emilia modena parma bologna mantova cremona lodi verona. italy
NAT Office is invited at restricted design competition for aci new commercial offices.
reggio emilia. italy
NAT Office wins third prize at national ideas competition for the new library and media center in santorso.
vicenza. italy
NAT Office wins second prize ex aequo at international 2 stage ideas competition for the new cultural center alessandrina city.
rome. italy
NAT Office with Paolo Iotti and Marco Pavarani won the first prize at national ideas competition for restoration and recovery of the rural complex la corte in traversetolo.
parma. italy
NAT Office is finalist in cei competition, to renovate and redesign the underground liturgical space of san francesco and santa caterina's service centre. italian episcopal conference.
may | july.
rome. italy
CEI has selected NAT Office for the restricted competition on new parish centre dedicated to Paolo VI.
forlì. italy
NAT Office wins third prize ex aequo at national ideas competition for the new school campus in novellara.
novellara. italy
NAT Office won second prize in the competition fondazione magnani new exhibit design.
september | october.
reggio emilia. italy
concept fondazione magnani
NAT Office won the first prize at invited design competition for the architectural recovery of the historical listed settlement Casa Gualerzi in cavriago.
reggio emilia. italy
NAT Office wins fourth prize at international 2 stage ideas competition for canet de mar luxury housing development.
barcelona. spain
NAT Office is finalist at 2 stage international design competition for stephenson 86 liuni.
milan. italy
NAT Office wins third prize in the international 2 step design competition for testaccio art labs freetime and sport park.
rome. italy
awn competition testaccio roma
NAT Office is finalist in the international 2 step design competition for lorenteggio library and is displayed at via odazio library (12-23 june).
milan. italy
NAT Office won the first prize at national curricula and ideas competition for the project of new childhood pole in cadelbosco sopra.
reggio emilia. italy
NAT Office wins second prize at international invited design competition for alpine resort and hotel keil.
brunico. italy
NAT Office receives the honourable mention at international invited unesco workshop for the town centre masterplan of valparaiso.
santiago. chile
NAT Office wins third prize at international 2 stage ideas competition to recovery gnutti former barracks.
brescia. italy
NAT Office wins fourth prize at international ideas competition for the reconfiguration of the collective image of the silk road from rome to xi'an.
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