a+d+m 25 - architettura design materiali
SFMG spazio gerra
edited by sara caviglia
dogma srl editor
savona. italy
SFMG spazio gerra
edited by sara caviglia
dogma srl editor
savona. italy
today a special book has been delivered to the studio: the collection of the selected projects of the european award for architectural heritage intervention aadipa 2017 III edition, in which you can find our project HLBH - house level home office. thanks a lot to aadipa team.
barcelona. spain
CCLC la corte civic center
casabella - italian architects 2006
edited by marco mulazzani
arnoldo mondatori editore
milan. italy
PIEC childhood pole
casabella - italian architects 2008
edited by marco mulazzani, paolo desideri, cino zucchi
arnoldo mondatori editore
milan. italy
giorgio tartaro interviews christian gasparini for archienergy project: sustainability flexibility and heritage.
rimini. italy
househut corticella is selected as one of the best projects on archilovers 2019 international website.
bari. italy
archilovers' news published NAT Office's projects houselevel and ivy restaurant
bari. italy
finally archipendium calendar 2020 is arrived at the office. best of ten years archipendium, the jubilee edition selected 365 buildings all over the world. on 10.VI.2020 you may find hhcr.
berlin. germany
HSBC housescape
maggioli editore
rimini. italy
CSPU school campus
maggioli editore
rimini. italy
we are happy to announce that gb exhibit pavilion has been selected by Platform for the book and traveling exhibit named best italian exhibition design selection 2019.
milan. italy
we are glad to announce that houselevel homeoffice has been selected by Platform for the book and traveling exhibit named best italian interior design selection 2018.
milan. italy
a book is coming with a collection of the best contemporary houses all around the world, selected and edited by platform for the new book named best international houses design selection 2021. inside you can find hhcr project. stay tuned.
milan. italy
today we received a beautiful book entitled city houses. the editorial project is conceived by booq publishing and edited by monsa publications. thanks to the project creator lola mercader gomez.
inside the book you can find house level home office and the epilogue, written by christian and entitled from home space to city place.
barcelona. spain
smart design for smart city - paper
edited by stefano bertocci, paola puma
la scuola di pitagora editore
naples. italy
SFMG european photography center
edited by james yu
lst publishing house editor
liaoning. china
a talk between nunziante mastrolia and christian gasparini on smart cities and smart territories. fordism and postfordism society. stayinghome. covid19
salerno. reggio emilia. italy
100 projects: observatory on the Italian building industry
federico motta editore
milan. italy