• NBLM | lorenteggio library. milan
  • NGMH | guggenheim museum. helsinki
  • HCBC | housecourtyard. reggio emilia
  • BCCA | unesco cultural centre. bamiyan
  • HSBC | housescape. reggio emilia
  • LHSM | liuni headquarters. milano
  • SRMU | unesco silk road map. shanghai
  • CCLC | la corte cultural and civic center. parma
  • NWGM | new waterfront. pesaro
  • CSRE | sports city masterplan. reggio emilia
  • HLBH | houselevel. reggio emilia
  • RABM | ivy restaurant lounge bar. reggio emilia
  • RBUP | borgo ulivia masterplan. palermo
  • PIEC | childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra
  • MCST | testaccio art labs and sport park. roma
  • MRPA | pa meeting rooms. reggio emilia
  • NLPB | barilla landmark pavilion. parma
  • HHCR | househut corticella. modena
  • SEGB | gb exhibit pavilion. milan
  • SFMG | european photography center. reggio emilia
  • ISCK | innovation and science centre. kaunas
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