RAHK | alpine resort



Brunico. Italy




alpine hotel keil


acceptance. hall foyer. cafe’ restaurant. kindergarten. wellness center. entertainment
terrace. cluster. detached. tower houses. solarium. swimming pool/ice


6.500.000 euro



the project defines a new modality of alpine reception, capable to adapt to different typologies if users adhering more to the idea of vacation house than that of wellness center-resort.

through a new architectural frame which originates the refurbishment project of the existing buildings (hotel and villa) end extends it to the new dwellings.

the new keil alpine resort settles a single architectural and perception track, reinterpreting the historical chalet and a new contemporary and unique identity.

the new in line dwelling try to shape a mountain village by means of apartments two by two, terraced, with 5 apartments, in cluster, completely independent brought together by the tower staircase, with 3 flats each floor, developing in height.

they also define different space configuration for an active vacation, according to the clients’ demands.

the ground floor of the new housing is a common level where services find place: ski and bike (personal or hired) depot, a wellness center.

each new group of dwellings are connected to the existing buildings by pedestrian paths covered by light shelters which protect the users and rebuild the idea of an open court.

inside a stretch of water changes through the seasons: pool (summer) or skating rink (winter).


Lorem Ispum


Lorem Ispum


2020 – 2021


Lorem Ispum

Etiam vel mollis ex, rutrum fermentum lacus cras at sagittis mi. Nam aliquam ex et ex tristique, necitos posuere diam malesuada. Morbi sit amet porta ex. In mollis tellus a tortor bibendum, nec tristique nislomin scelerisque. Vivamus cursus metus in felis esto poli consectetur, sed cursus ipsum blandit. Praesent lobortis metus vel justo laoreet semper. Donec lorem convallis lacus sed nulla posuere, sit amet teori sos malesuada risus finibus. Vestibulum vitae massa vitae velit dict consequat curabitur sed.

Sed nisl eros, ornare in dignissim sit amet, pellentesque eu quam. Duis mollis justo et urna rutrum pharetra. Nullam aliquam dictum viverra. Mauris luctus vestibulum eros a volutpat. Quisque justo metus, auctor et metus ac, scelerisque convallis enim. Curabitur malesuada, nibh eu lobortis egestas, orci ex accumsan leo, non tincidunt nibh turpis at ante. Curabitur at convallis erat. Nulla facilisi. Morbi laoreet, lorem at laoreet gravida, mi metus molestie mauris, ut vehicula lacus nulla vitae.

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