the masterplan prefigures a framework, which assembles the different scales and dimensions of landscape, city, and architecture, in the belief that sustainability should be conceived as a correlation between means and ends, as limited use of available natural resources, as great meaning achieved with few signs.
the project reinterprets and superimposes on the existing urban texture a new “layer” of meaning related to the concept of connection between spaces that can become public places to be experienced.
the market place is conceived as the basic identity element of the new urban system to generate an interconnected and flexible sequence of urban rooms.
the reuse of existing spaces envisages as a premise the extension of the pedestrian and/or limited traffic zone through a homogeneous modular grid, which contains within itself the possibility of being activated/constructed or left latent, in different ways in time, space, matter and layout.
it nonetheless structures the plan, fitting into the existing texture and dense mesh of industrial warehouses, seeing them as key players of the scene and great containers of the city’s history and its future making.
a new sequence of linked urban rooms outlines a system of public spaces from San Magno Square to the new Butti Square.