
MCST | testaccio art labs and sport park. roma

MCST | testaccio art labs and sport park. roma

HTBR | houseterrace rivalta. reggio emilia

HTBR | houseterrace rivalta. reggio emilia

UAPA | urban archeological park. aosta

UAPA | urban archeological park. aosta

HHCR | househut corticella. modena

HHCR | househut corticella. modena

NLPB | barilla landmark pavilion. parma

NLPB | barilla landmark pavilion. parma

SPXD | sukkah pavilion. detroit

SPXD | sukkah pavilion. detroit

SEGB | gb exhibit pavilion. milan

SEGB | gb exhibit pavilion. milan

NBLM | lorenteggio library. milan

NBLM | lorenteggio library. milan

MRPA | pa meeting rooms. reggio emilia

MRPA | pa meeting rooms. reggio emilia

SPPR | panoramica public school. riccione

SPPR | panoramica public school. riccione

HCBC | housecourtyard. reggio emilia

HCBC | housecourtyard. reggio emilia

NSAR | aci new offices building. reggio emilia

NSAR | aci new offices building. reggio emilia

LHSM | liuni headquarters. milano

LHSM | liuni headquarters. milano

ISCK | innovation and science centre. kaunas

ISCK | innovation and science centre. kaunas

RABM | ivy restaurant lounge bar. reggio emilia

RABM | ivy restaurant lounge bar. reggio emilia

MCAS | exhibit art pavilion. santa barbara

MCAS | exhibit art pavilion. santa barbara

HLBH | houselevel. reggio emilia

HLBH | houselevel. reggio emilia

MSNT | natural science museum. torino

MSNT | natural science museum. torino

CPDF | new parish complex romiti. forlì

CPDF | new parish complex romiti. forlì

BCCA | unesco cultural centre. bamiyan

BCCA | unesco cultural centre. bamiyan

NGMH | guggenheim museum. helsinki

NGMH | guggenheim museum. helsinki

STCB | space to culture. bologna

STCB | space to culture. bologna

RRCB | recovery former barracks. brescia

RRCB | recovery former barracks. brescia

CPAS | church and parish center. napoli

CPAS | church and parish center. napoli

NWGM | new waterfront. pesaro

NWGM | new waterfront. pesaro

LHDC | luxury house development. barcelona

LHDC | luxury house development. barcelona

MUSV | spinea urban masterplan. venezia

MUSV | spinea urban masterplan. venezia

HDBV | housedouble. quattro castella

HDBV | housedouble. quattro castella

CEJG | cité de l’enfance. genève

CEJG | cité de l’enfance. genève

MSHH | south harbour masterplan. helsinki

MSHH | south harbour masterplan. helsinki

RAHK | alpine resort and hotel keil. brunico

RAHK | alpine resort and hotel keil. brunico

SRMU | unesco silk road map. shanghai

SRMU | unesco silk road map. shanghai

HSBC | housescape. reggio emilia

HSBC | housescape. reggio emilia

RBUP | borgo ulivia masterplan. palermo

RBUP | borgo ulivia masterplan. palermo

NRUV | new university residence. venezia

NRUV | new university residence. venezia

SFMG | european photography center. reggio emilia

SFMG | european photography center. reggio emilia

SUEB | university and student center. brescia

SUEB | university and student center. brescia

TNCG | nouvelle comédie theatre. genève

TNCG | nouvelle comédie theatre. genève

CSRE | sports city masterplan. reggio emilia

CSRE | sports city masterplan. reggio emilia

PXXS | piazza xx settembre. modena

PXXS | piazza xx settembre. modena

PIEC | childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra

PIEC | childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra

CCCA | città alessandrina cultural center. roma

CCCA | città alessandrina cultural center. roma

BMCS | library and media center. vicenza

BMCS | library and media center. vicenza

SIGM | maramotti nursery school. gavassa

SIGM | maramotti nursery school. gavassa

CCLC | la corte cultural and civic center. parma

CCLC | la corte cultural and civic center. parma

TPMC | multipurpose theatre. viterbo

TPMC | multipurpose theatre. viterbo

RCSV | town centre masterplan. valparaiso

RCSV | town centre masterplan. valparaiso

MCCI | mosque and islamic center. correggio

MCCI | mosque and islamic center. correggio

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