for make art trough take part we try to imagine an exhibit pavilion like a natural living structure, able to transform itself in many shapes through modules’ composition and through local site’s morphological and social features.
the take part/make art pavilion may be a labyrinth, a viewpoint, a hut, a plaza or a beacon. we think about a beehive, a “human” beehive, made of multiple honeycomb linked to each other.
a light unit able to be moved easily, that can be disassembled and reassembled in many shapes, being able to mark the different sites, through its setting and reconfiguration in relation with artist’s requirements and people’s addictions.
steel structural blocks covered and coated by ETFE curtains guarantee exposure in a coastal area, fireproofing, thermal insulation, soundproofing and bioclimatic performances.
the dimensions of the unit allow to transport the pavilion between sites and the chance of storing artworks inside a rental moving truck.
this essential unit may shape multiple type compositions and configurations such as a labyrinth, a tower, a courtyard, an open space, a gallery and many others.
in the same time the artist may imagine different architectural spaces as urban rooms taylor made on his works. the curatorial team may modify the pavilion in order to interact and plan it with each comunity.