the service station, an evolution of the ancient fuel pump, has already connoted itself in our days with other functions and uses, capable of increasing services (refuelling, washing, car control) and the possibilities of using the spaces connected to it (bar, restaurant, newspaper kiosk, tobacconist’s).
the evolution of transport towards the electric car leads to a widening of possible fuels and at the same time needs new spaces to be designed for refuelling and different waiting and parking times for users, especially for the electric car. the time for recharging could act as a driver for all users and change the approach to parking.
the gas station can’t be no longer intended as a non-place, in which to put fuel into the car, but as a space of enjoyment and rest that is networked within city and landscape, as a place on the road to cross and experience, as a short time to occupy.
at the same time, however, the energy station delineates a series of new and other spaces in which to stay for a longer time than simply stopping and identifies a new time of enjoyment of the station, which is that of pausing, relaxing and also experiencing new forms of being together.
this dual and alternative approach to the previous one opens up a huge range of users and is a pivotal element in defining an innovative brand identity.
here energy stations can contain or intertwine the simple place of energy recharging for cars with a place of spiritual and mental recharging for people.